Music Therapy

Τogether in every effort

Science serves your will

Music therapy is aimed at patients with aphasic disorders, geriatric patients, patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression and pediatric patients.  At THESEUS we set personalized therapeutic goals for each treatment according to each person’s needs, encouraging positive behavioral changes to improve their quality of life.

Specifically, with regard to people with developmental disorders, music therapy aims to achieve:

  • Communication.
  • Creative expression.
  • Developing speech, encouraging the individual to use their voice as a means of expression.
  • Emotional support.
  • Developing self-esteem and initiative.
  • Promoting sociality, in particular enhancing  the capabilities each person has in order to develop communication skills and build interpersonal relationships
  • Cultivating a therapeutic framework in which the individual can experience and express a variety of emotions while developing greater awareness and understanding these emotions.
  • Improving one’s quality of life through the experiences they receive during therapy by learning to share, express, give, and receive.
  • Cultivating attention, concentration and memory.

Rehabilitation Equipment

Accurate and reliable equipment

Advanced technology and the latest therapy equipment is the core of successful recovery and rapid reintegration.